Sunday, October 19, 2008


While searching the net i found some interesting methods in which to use waste products...

Smile Plastics Ltd
Recycled plastic sheets

In today's world there is a growing awareness of the urgent problem of waste management. Much of this waste is packaging material - metal, paper, glass and plastic, and after use it is thrown into our dustbins and transported to increasingly expensive landfill sites or incinerated. But a growing proportion is sorted and recycled. As a result, new materials are being devised and fabricated.

Smile Plastics is committed to sourcing and developing innovative ideas and markets for recycled materials, concentrating on transforming plastics waste into multicoloured sheets.

In 1994 we launched the company with sheets from recycled household plastic bottles. Since then we have made products based on crushed CDs, plastic water bottles, banknotes, and Dapple, scrap from our own factory. We now have sheets made from old mobile phones and even kids’ wellies

Water bottles are being recycled to build an interior wall


Architect Duncan Baker-Brown has incorporated water bottles from the site to create an interior wall. So we now have mud, lime, hemp, wood, plastic, glass, rubber and thousands of screws. It's hot work on the roof and fortunately a medic is on hand to give out sun screen.


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